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Events & News April 11


CSGA Events

CSGA Business Meeting

Thursday, April 11, 7 PM

Annapolis Friends Meeting House

CSGA Discussion

Thursday, April 18, 7 PM

Annapolis Friends Meeting House






Events of Interest to CSGA

High Tide in Dorchester / Homewood Friends Meeting

Apr 12, 7 PM - Homewood Friends Meeting, Baltimore

Visioning Anne Arundel - Making the Best Place / Anne Arundel County County Executive

Apr 13, 9 AM - DoubleTree Hilton, Annapolis

Annapolis Chapter Meeting / Citizens' Climate Lobby

Apr 13, 12:30 PM - Unitarian Universalist Church, Annapolis

Nonviolent Direct Action Training / Extinction Rebellion DC

Apr 13, 3:30 PM - St. Stephen & the Incarnation Episcopal Church, Washington

Mitigation Working Group Meeting / Maryland Commission on Climate Change

Apr 16, 10 AM - Maryland Department of the Environment, Baltimore

Education, Communication, and Outreach Working Group Meeting / Maryland Commission on Climate Change

Apr 17, 10:30 AM - Teleconference

Meeting / Baltimore Commission on Sustainability

Apr 18, 4 PM - Baltimore City Planning Office, Baltimore

News, Information, and Opinion of Interest to CSGA

The bill would make Maryland the first state in the country to ban polystyrene foam food containers and cups.

What’s really elitist is protecting a massively profitable industry rather than those who are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

President Donald Trump again opposes Puerto Rico recovery aid, fueling debates between Senate Democrats, who wish to give more aid, and Republicans who disagree.

A British religious activist who faced expulsion from Peru a decade ago for his work on behalf of indigenous communities was found dead Tuesday at a youth hostel he ran in the Amazon rain forest.

‘We owe it to our kids’: parents from 16 countries demand urgent climate action.

Worsening storms, sea level rise and other threats could drive worsening poverty, hunger, early marriage and child labour.

As governments meet at the UN to negotiate towards an historic Global Ocean Treaty, a groundbreaking study by leading marine biologists has mapped out how to protect over a third of the world’s oceans by 2030, a target that scientists say is crucial in order to safeguard wildlife and to help mitigate the impacts of climate change.

ExxonMobil has dodged a climate change shareholder vote — with some help from the SEC.

Critics said the president’s orders would trample on authority delegated to the states under the Clean Water Act and other congressional legislation.

They say Amazon should stop offering custom cloud computing services that help the oil and gas industry explore for and extract more fossil fuels.

An Ohio Valley ReSource analysis of federal data shows that the Justice family companies owe $4.3 million in delinquent debt for mine safety violations.

"The far-right loves to drum up fear & resistance to immigrants. But have you ever noticed they never talk about what‘s causing people to flee their homes in the first place?" said New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Eliza Griswold on the the Adorers of the Blood of Christ and their fight against Williams and the Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

At least one person died and 25 people were injured, including nine firefighters, after a gas explosion shook downtown Durham and destroyed buildings on Wednesday.

This marks the first time county officials have initiated a civil suit regarding the project, although in February they intervened in an existing legal challenge brought by several Delaware and Chester County residents against Sunoco.

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